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30th Japanese-German Forum


17.11.2022 - 18.11.2022



The Japanese-German Forum was established in 1993. It dates back to an agreement reached by the former Federal Chancellor Dr. Helmut KOHL and former Japanese Prime Minister MIYAZAWA Kiichi. As an independent non-partisan forum for dialogue of leading German and Japanese figures from the fields of economics, politics, science and academe and the media, it reports to the heads of government of Japan and Germany. It fulfils the wish of both countries to work closer together and to lift bilateral relations to a higher level in view of new global and world economic developments.

In addition to social, political and economic developments in both countries and bilateral questions, the Forum’s agenda focuses primarily on international challenges, e.g., regional security, energy problems or issues relating to world trade.

The Forum meets annually, alternating between Berlin and Tōkyō; during its meeting it generally convenes with the Japanese or German heads of government. At the end of their meeting the Forum’s Chairs formulate recommendations in a joint declaration that are then presented to the Japanese Prime Minister and the German Federal Chancellor.

The Forum has two Chairs: Matthias NASS (Chief International Correspondent, DIE ZEIT) represents the German side since 2015, and KOBAYASHI Eizo (Director Emeritus, Itochu Corporation) represents the Japanese side since 2016.

While the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) in Tōkyō carries out the function of the Japanese Secretariat, the JDZB is entrusted with the same task in Germany.

All JGF meetings on the website of the JCIE


17.11.2022 - 18.11.2022




The Japanese-German Forum is supported by the Federal Foreign Office on the German side.