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Exchange Programs - Overview

Fachkräfte der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe


German-Japanese Study Program for Youth Welfare Specialists

This program is aimed at specialists that are employed in the field of youth welfare. Every year two delegations of experts in various youth welfare fields are invited to visit Japan or…


German-Japanese Exchange Program for Young Employees

Whilst many other institutions exchange programs are directed at students, this program seeks to give young employees and trainees aged between 18 and 30 years the opportunity to visit…

Japanese and German pupils posing for a group photo


German-Japanese Youth Leaders Exchange

This program was developed for youth leaders aged between 18 and 26 years who work voluntarily for youth associations.

Student Exchange

JDZB-ScienceYouth Program

The JDZB-ScienceYouth Program has been established to promote encounters between German and Japanese highschool students. 

Two participants are using medical technology


Junior Experts Exchange Program

This program targets young potential experts from public research institutions or future executives from private companies in Germany and Japan.

Junge Menschen in einer Besprechung

Young Leaders

German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum

This program addresses highly promising German and Japanese young professionals. Since 2006, the German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum has inspired the next generation of future leaders to…