Data Privacy Statement

Please refer to the German page regarding our privacy policy updated in September 2023.

Data Privacy Statement of the Japanese-German Center Berlin
(As of February 2021)

The website is published by the Japanese-German Center Berlin
Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin, Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin

At the Japanese-German Center Berlin (hereinafter referred to as JDZB), we are serious about protecting your personal data. Therefore, we always process your data based on the current legal provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act. 
Your data are stored on German servers based on an order data processing contract according to Article 28 GDPR.
In the following, we will provide detailed information on how we handle your personal data.
We reserve the right to adapt this Data Privacy Statement to the respective applicable data protection regulations to safeguard the legally compliant handling of your data.
Note: You can also print or save this Data Privacy Statement via the functions of your browser.

1. General

1.1. Data Controller
The responsible body for the collection, processing, use and deletion of your personal data is the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), an incorporated foundation in civil law
Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 839 07 0, Fax: +49 (0)30 839 07 220, E-Mail:

1.2. General information on the collection, processing, and use of your personal data
You can visit our website without providing information about your person. In this case, we only log general access data. These include the so-called log files, cf. Section 6. Your IP address will only be used if it is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of JDZB as a data controller, or a third party, and only to the extent that such interests outweigh the interests or fundamental rights or fundamental freedoms of the data subject requiring the protection of personal data. Examples include the prosecution of legal claims, as well as the public interest in investigating criminal offenses, and the prevention of electronic attacks (e.g. hacking, brute force attacks). JDZB collects, processes, and uses your personal data in accordance with data protection laws and the following provisions, or in accordance with your express consent.

The processing of your personal data is based on the following principles, cf. Art. 6 GDPR:
a) The processing serves the fulfillment of contractual obligations entered into by JDZB and the service providers selected by JDZB.
b) Processing is required after the legitimate interests of JDZB have been weighed against the legitimate interests of the respective customer.
c) Processing takes place based on your revocable consent. 
d) Processing takes place based on legal requirements. 
e) Processing is required to perform a task of public interest.

You can contact our data protection officer at or via mail at: Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin (JDZB), Der Datenschutzbeauftragte, Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin.

1.3. Your rights (known as data subject rights) and their respective legal basis
You have the right to
a) request information about the purpose of processing, the categories of processed data, possible recipients, and the planned duration your data are stored (known as right of access; Art. 15 GDPR ).
b) to demand the correction of incorrect data concerning you and the completion of incomplete personal data (known as right to rectification, Art. 16 GDPR).
c) to withdraw your consent to data processing at any time (known as right to withdraw consent, Art. 7 (3) GDPR)
d) to object to the processing of personal data concerning you at any time on grounds relating to your particular situation (known as right to object, Art. 21 GDPR) 
e) to have your personal data erased immediately (known as right to erasure/ right to be forgotten, Art. 17 GDPR) if
 (1) the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected
 (2) you withdraw your consent (see b)
 (3) you have objected to further processing (see c)
 (4) the personal data have been unlawfully processed
f) to obtain the restriction of processing, e.g. if you contest the accuracy of your personal data, oppose the erasure of your personal data, still need your data, or you have objected to data processing, and the verification of legal grounds is still pending (known as right to restriction of processing, Art. 18 GDPR)
(g) to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured format and have them transmitted to third parties (known as right to data portability, Art. GDPR)
(h) to lodge a complaint about data processing to the supervisory authority (known as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, Art. 77 GDPR). The supervisory authority in charge of JDZB is the Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Friedrichstraße 219, 10969 Berlin. Alternatively, you can contact the data protection authority in charge of your place of residence.
To exercise any of these rights, please make sure we can clearly identify your person, and address your claim to the contact listed under 1.1.

2. Data collected by JDZB

a) when you register for membership
When you register for a user account under „Junior Experts Exchange Progam“ or a „German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum“ account, JDZB collects personal data required to send or access the materials and documents provided. This includes your name and surname, your address, your e-mail address, as well as other data you may provide on a voluntary basis.
Mandatory fields are marked *. The data you provide to us are processed according to Art. 6, Par. 1, s.1, lit. b GDPR to fulfill our contractual obligations and are not forwarded to third parties.

b) when you use membership services
At JDZB, we provide certain services to registered members including the possibility to connect with other registered members (“networking”). These services are only rendered once you have given your express consent according to Art. 6 Par. 1, s.1 lit.a GDPR. You may withdraw your consent at any time. If you do not give your consent, this will not result in any disadvantages. After registering for membership, we will ask you for your consent to store the personal data you have provided to us in our database. We use this database solely to inform you about upcoming JDZB events.     
Furthermore, we will ask for your consent to input your contact details in the lists of participants for each workshop. These lists of participants exclusively serve the purpose of connecting with others participating in the respective workshop. We will not pass on these data to people not participating in this workshop.
We place great importance on protecting our members’ personal rights. Therefore, once you have registered as a member, we will also ask you for your consent to use photographs taken of you during JDZB events in JDZB publications. These photographs are published solely for the purpose of illustrating the activities of JDZB on our website, on the website’s membership page, in our newsletter, and in our mail magazine. Should you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact the respective person listed. Sending your request to the contact listed under 1.1 (e.g. by e-mail, fax or letter) is also sufficient. After that, we will immediately delete your data. The lawfulness of data processing up to the point of consent withdrawal, and legally defined data storage periods are not affected by your withdrawal. 

c) when you contact us    
JDZB collects the personal data you choose to provide when you e-mail us. According to Art. 6, Par. 1, s.1, lit. b GDPR, we solely use these data to process your request.

3. Purpose of collecting, processing, and using data

JDZB stores your data to provide our online services, answer your questions, set up your account, fulfill and process contracts, and for advertising purposes like distributing our newsletter or our mail magazine. In addition, with your express consent, data you choose to provide in the closed membership section of the page will be disclosed to the participants of the respective workshop you have booked, so they can get in touch with each other (“networking”).

4. Newsletter and mail magazine

JDZB provides a newsletter “jdzb echo” and a mail magazine to inform you about the latest developments, activities, and events in the area of Japanese-German relations. You will only receive our newsletter or our mail magazine once you give your consent according to Art. 6, Par. 1, s.1, lit.a GDPR.
When you subscribe to our newsletter or our mail magazine, we use a so-called double opt-in process to make sure you only receive our newsletter or mail magazine following your express confirmation that you want us to activate the newsletter or the mail magazine service. Once you have input your e-mail address into the respective field and confirmed by clicking “subscribe newsletter”, you will receive an e-mail from us. In this e-mail we will ask you to click one of the links inside the e-mail to confirm that you wish to receive our newsletter or mail magazine.
Should you wish to unsubscribe, you may withdraw your consent to receiving the newsletter or the mail magazine at any time. A message to the contact listed under 1.1. (e.g. by e-mail, fax, or letter) will be sufficient. Once you have unsubscribed, we will immediately delete your e-mail address. Furthermore, we will not use your e-mail address for other purposes or pass it on to third parties.

5. Disclosure of personal data

We will only disclose your personal data to third parties if and to the extent to which you consent to it. We will not disclose your personal data for advertising purposes.
In addition, your data will be disclosed to third parties to the extent that JDZB is legally required to do so according to Art. 6, Par. 1, s.1 lit.d GDPR due to legal requirements or enforceable court or administrative orders.

6. Server log files

Every time you access our website, usage data are transferred by the respective internet browser and stored as what is known as server log files. The data sets stored in this process contain the following data: date and time of the retrieval, name of the page accessed, referrer-URL, data volume transferred, and product and version information of the browser used.
Users’ IP-addresses are collected solely in an anonymous format. To achieve this, the IP-addresses are changed so individual data concerning personal or factual circumstances can no longer be associated with an identified or identifiable natural person, or only with a disproportionate amount of time, cost, and manpower. JDZB evaluates log files to better tailor our offer to you and your needs, to find and fix bugs more quickly and to improve JDZB’s offer in general. In accordance with Art. 6, Par. 1 s.1 lit. f GDPR, the evaluation serves the preservation of our legitimate interest in the proper presentation of our website, which predominates in the context of a balance of interests.
The log files are stored for up to 14 days and then deleted. Any additional storage will only occur in exceptional cases, to prosecute legal claims, investigate criminal offenses, or prevent electronic attacks (e.g. hacking, brute-force attacks).

7. a. Volume of personal data processed - Matomo

On our website, we use the open-source web analytics software tool Matomo (formerly PIWIK) to evaluate browsing habits on our website. With Matomo, no data are transmitted to servers outside JDZB’s control. Without your consent, Matomo does not collect data about your session.
Matomo uses cookies. These small text files are stored on your computer and enable JDZB to analyze the use of our website. To this end, the information gained from cookies is transmitted to JDZB’s server and stored to analyze the behavior of page usage. At JDZB, we understand this analysis as part of our internet service. The aim is to improve our website and keep tailoring it to our users’ needs. If you agree to a web analysis using Matomo, the following data are collected as you access individual parts of our website:
(1)    2 bytes of the user’s IP address
(2)    The website accessed
(3)    The website from which the user has entered the website (referrer)
(4)    The sub-pages accessed from the website
(5)    The access duration
(6)    The frequency of accessing the website

This software runs exclusively on our website servers. User’s personal data are only stored there. Data are not transmitted to third parties.


b. Volume of personal data processed - Vimeo

On our website, we integrate the service "Vimeo", which is provided by Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.
On some of our pages, we use plugins of the provider Vimeo. If you call up the pages of our online offer provided with such a plugin, a connection to the Vimeo servers is established and the plugin is displayed. This transmits to the Vimeo server which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged in as a member of Vimeo, Vimeo assigns this information to your personal user account. When using the plugin, such as clicking on the start button of a video, this information is also assigned to your user account. You can prevent this assignment by logging out of your Vimeo user account before using our website and deleting the corresponding cookies from Vimeo. The USA is a third country in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation and there is no adequacy decision between the EU and the USA. We inform you that there is a risk that the intelligence service and, in individual cases, the authorities may access the personal data.
The privacy policy of Vimeo Inc. can be viewed here:
The data is processed on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 49 para. 1 lit. a.

8. Storage duration

JDZB will only store your data for as long as it is necessary to provide our services, or we have a legitimate interest in further storage that exceeds your interest in deleting them. In addition, we store data as long as we need them to fulfill our contractual obligations as well as our legally defined data retention periods.

9. Right to object

If you wish to object to the collection, processing and use of your data by JDZB for the future in general or for individual measures, you can send your objection by e-mail, fax or letter to the following contact:
Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin (JDZB)
Der Datenschutzbeauftragte
Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 839 07 0, Fax: +49 (0)30 839 07 220

After exercising your right to object, we will not process your personal information unless we are required to do so by law or an overriding interest on JDZB’s behalf in the enforcement, exercise or defense of legal claims applies.