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Inclusion of elderly citizens in German and Japanese Communities

– civic engagement and the COVID pandemic –

Social inclusion represents one of the fundamental challenges ageing societies like Japan and Germany confront.


2022-11-10 , 13:30 - 17:30


Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Room 6701, Tokyo

Additional Information

Language: German-Japanese with simultaneous translation

People, who retire, become cut off from an important part of their previous social environment. Many live in one generation or even single households. Lack of social interaction is known to have adverse effects on physical and mental health. But social inclusion can not only improve the health conditions of the elderly, it also offers seniors the opportunity to actively contribute to society through taking up work or through civic engagement. The social inclusion of elderly citizens depends to a large extent on neighbourhoods and local communities. They offer opportunities for social interaction and civic engagement, and they often organize the voluntary support for elderly citizens in need of care.

The first session of this conference will look at how German and Japanese communities achieve the social inclusion of elderly citizens and the role of civic engagement by and for elderly citizens. The issue of social inclusion has become even more urgent under the current COVID pandemic. The second session will therefore address the impact of the pandemic on the living conditions of elderly citizens in Germany and Japan.

Language: German-Japanese with simultaneous translation

The event is fully booked.


2022-11-10 13:30 - 17:30


Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Room 6701, Tokyo

Additional Information

Language: German-Japanese with simultaneous translation

13:00 Venue opening


13:30 Welcoming remarks

Toshikazu Kato (Vice-President, Chuo University)

Yoko Takahashi (Council member JDZB, President Japan Philanthropic Association)

Lothar Mennicken (Counsellor, German Embassy)

Ichiro Tekuramori (Counsellor, Cabinet Office)

Moderator: Hiroko Kudo (Professor, Faculty of Law, Chuo University)


14:00 Civic engagement and inclusion

Cornelia Kricheldorff (Professorin em., Katholische Hochschule Freiburg)

Gerd Naegele (Professor em., TU Dortmund)

Tomoo Matsuda (Research Director, Mitsubishi Research Institute)

Ikuko Fujita (Professor, Sanyo-Gakuen University)

Moderator: Franz Waldenberger (Director, German Institute for Japanese Studies)


15:20 Coffee/Tea break


15:50 Lessons learned from the Corona pandemic

Martina Brandt (Professor, Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften, TU Dortmund)

Hildegard Theobald (Professor, Universität Vechta)

Norio Okada (Professor em., Kyoto University)

Toshihiko Hasegawa (President, Future Health Research Institute)

Moderator: Hiroko Kudo (Professor, Faculty of Law, Chuo University)


17:10 Closing remarks

Franz Waldenberger (Director, German Institute for Japanese Studies)


17:20 End


Organizing institutions
German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ)
Chuo University Grant for Joint Research (Kudo PJ)

Co-organizing institutions
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Tokyo
Japanisch Deutsches Zentrum, Berlin