Japan Spoken Word Night #3
Poetic encounters with Japan & the world.
Our theme this time is "表 OMOTE Revealed Sichtbar", a Japanese term signifying the surface, the exterior, the public. We want to hear about your experiences with the duality of appearance vs authenticity, with what is visible, what is shown? Alternatively, what has been brought to the light of consciousness?
We invite artists of the written and spoken word of all nationalities and cultural backgrounds inspired by our theme to come read!
Spoken Word Poetry originated in the US and encompasses all forms of spoken word performance: poetry, storytelling, music, rap, and comedy.
A few spots still available (English, German, and Japanese, 5-7min)!
Contact Sabrina: swaegerle@jdzb.de
2023-05-09 20:00
Theater Verlängertes Wohnzimmer, Frankfurter Allee 91, 12047 Berlin
entry from 19h