Overview - Library
The JDZB library houses a wide collection of Japan-related media and resources. You can even borrow books to take home and read. Please bring along a photo ID and your residence registration to become a library member. The usage of our library and the lending is free of costs.
Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: |
1.00 pm - 8.00 pm |
Friday | 1.00 pm - 3.30 pm |
You can search for japanese books and media using the CiNii Books Search.
CiNii Books offers you the possibility to search in the inventory of japanese universities and some japan-related libraries abroad for bibliographic infos about magazines and books as well as where to find them. Notes on CiNii search can be found HERE.
The library of the Japanese-German Center Berlin owns about 13.000 media in Japanese, German and English (books, periodicals, newspapers, DVDs). There is a wide range of Japanese literature (in Japanese and in translation), children’s books , books on various themes of Japanese culture and on the relations between Japan and Germany/Europe. There are books on sciences, history, economics, politics, and society. Those who learn Japanese will find grammar-books, textbooks, or easy-to-read Japanese literature. And there is a wide range of reference books, like dictionaries, encyclopedia, and statistics.
The library system is based on the “Nippon Decimal Classification” (NDC), which is used by most academic and public libraries in Japan. Bibliographical data of the entire book collection is available electronically in both Japanese and western languages and can be researched in the library. You can also view our library catalog online. In addition to the bibliographical database of the library’s own collection, the JDZB’s library also has access to a database that is based on the seven (to date) published volumes of “Japan-Bibliografie” (by W. Hadamitzky and M. Rudat–Kocks, published by K.G. Saur Verlag). These volumes contain more than 11,500 titles of German language Japan-related publications that were published between the years 1477 and 1985. In addition, you may also electronically search the bibliographical data of monographs translated from Japanese into German from the period 1945 to 1998.
Exchange of Publications
The publications of the JDZB are available through cooperating libraries as exchange of literature. If you would like further information, please contact the library.
If you like to contact our library, please feel free to write us an email or give us a call.
Tel.: +49 (0)30 839 07 167
E-Mail: bibliothek@jdzb.de
Booklists & Cooperations
Here you can find lists of our stock sorted by topics for browsing.
- Booklists
000 General works 総記
100 Philosophy 哲学
200 History 歴史
300 Social Sciences 社会科学
400 Natural Sciences 自然科学
500 Industry, engineering, technology, high-tech
600 Industry: here only agriculture, forestry, fishing and trade (for industry, see 500)
産業(農林水産業、商業 のみ;工業は500)
700 Art 芸術
800 Language 言語
900 Literature 文学
909 Children's book 児童文学
913 Fiction 小説
The JDZB’s library works together with the following organizations in the area of library services or Japan information:
- Working Group Japan Libraries
This working group was established in Cologne in 1995 to promote cooperation of Japan-related libraries in German-speaking countries and their exchange of information. In the same year, the JDZB’s library also put forward the proposal to the Working Group to publish an information booklet entitled “Japan-related libraries in German-speaking countries” in order to provide a practical guide for library users, and to contribute to cooperative efforts of Japan-related libraries. The booklet has been published in cooperation with the Japanese Cultural Institute of Cologne in 1996, 1999 and 2002.
The JDZB cooperates with the EAJRS, the European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists.
If you like to find out more about this cooperation, please visit http://eajrs.net/
In addition to Japan-related libraries in German-speaking countries, the JDZB’s library naturally maintains close contact with libraries in Japan as well as Japan-related libraries in other European countries and the USA, too.
- Links to libraries
Links zu den Katalogen renommierter Bibliotheken weltweit:
Karlsruhe’s virtual catalog (university library of the University of Karlsruhe)
http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk.htmlStaBiKat: Online catalog of the National Library in Berlin
http://stabikat.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/Online catalog of the National Library in Berlin
East Asian Section
http://ead.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/cat/CrossAsia, National Library in Berlin
http://crossasia.org/en/home.htmlNational Institute of Informatics
http://ci.nii.ac.jp/books/?l=enNational Diet Library Tokyo: NDL-OPAC
https://ndlopac.ndl.go.jpWaseda University Library Catalogue WINE:
http://wine.wul.waseda.ac.jp/search/Tokyo Institute of Technology Library
http://topics.libra.titech.ac.jp/en/National Archives of Japan
http://www.digital.archives.go.jp/index_e.htmlNational Institute of Japanese Literature
http://www.nijl.ac.jp/index_e.htmlInternational Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)
http://www.nichibun.ac.jp/graphicversion/dbase/database_e.htmlThe Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo
http://www.hi.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.htmlMinistry of Internal Affairs and Communications; e-Government (White papers, etc.)
http://www.soumu.go.jp/menu_seisaku/hakusyo/index.htmlGovernment Publications (nur Japanisch)
http://www.gov-book.or.jp/Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE)
http://www.jcie.or.jp/books/JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) Business Library
The JDZB library houses a wide collection of Japan-related media and resources. You can even borrow books to take home and read. Please bring along a photo ID and your residence registration to become a library member. The usage of our library and the lending is free of costs.
The JDZB library houses a wide collection of Japan-related media and resources. You can even borrow books to take home and read. Please bring along a photo ID and your residence registration to become a library member. The usage of our library and the lending is free of costs.