The Roles of Germany and Japan in Global Health - Recap
21st October 2022
Last week, we welcomed top-level decision makers from politics, administration, academia and NGOs to a closed workshop on „The roles of Germany and Japan in Global Health”, which was also the last side event of the World Health Summit in Berlin. The participants discussed the main health issues remaining of the German G7 presidency and made recommendations for pillars to be taken on the agenda of the Japanese G7 presidency in 2023. In their closing remarks, both the Japanese and the German Minister of Health emphazised the value of multilateralism and the importance of the Japanese-German cooperation in the field of global health.
The main organizers were the World Health Summit, represented by Prof. Ilona Kickbusch, the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) and JDZB in cooperation with the Bundesministerium für Gesundheit and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, supported by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Institute for Global Health Policy Research, and the Tokyo Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force.
#GlobalHealth #WorldHealthSummit #InternationalCooperation
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