Symposium: International Trade and Digital Transformation
日独シンポジウム「International Trade and Digital Transformation: A Bright Future for Germany and Japan?」(国際貿易とデジタル変換が日独に明るい未来をもたらすか)
While global trade is facing challenges driven by protectionism, the new Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is an important milestone to put in place a common economic space and area of shared values with a population of over 600 million.
At the same time, with ever-faster digital transformation, we experience an era of enormous change, which has an effect not only on our lives and societies, but also on the way trade and financial systems work.
How can Germany and Japan, in this rapidly changing economic and social environment, cooperate effectively, in and through international organizations, to foster a fair, sustainable and rules-based multilateral system?
To address such issues, the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and the Alumni Association of the German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum in cooperation with the United Nations University’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) will jointly host this symposium.
The conference language will be English only.
Please note that the number of seats available is limited. Only guests whose registration has been confirmed may attend. To register for the event, please send the following details (in English) to iglc@buero.jp by Wednesday, 4 September 2019:
- Title, First Name, Last Name
- Position, Institution
- E-Mail address
2019年09月13日 13:30 - 18:30
Cooperation with: United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Tōkyō 国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所(東京)、Alumni Association of the German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum 日独ヤングリーダーズ・フォーラム同窓会