Symposium: Work Style Reform
How Will Home, Company and Society Shine more and how Can Gender Equality Contribute?
The challenges of demographic change and the demand for more participation of women in the labor force require family-friendly working conditions as a fundamental prerequisite for better reconciliation of family and working life. Employers have recognized and acknowledged that fathers also want opportunities to reconcile their work and family commitments.
The reform of work-styles and working time models appears to be an important pre-condition for improving work and income related gender equality. These and other issues will be discussed at this symposium. It shall be investigated how home, company and society can shine more and how equal opportunities for men and women can contribute to this goal. The symposium shall also help to prepare the ground for a better work-life balance of women and men. We want to discuss this with stakeholders from business, politics and academia, and look into hurdles and challenges as well as into opportunities.
Date: Tuesday, 6 November 2018, 2 pm until 4.45 pm
Venue: Keidanren Kaikan, Diamond Hall, 4th floor, 1-3-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
Please send your registration by 30 October (Tuesday) to Keizai Koho Center, attn. Ms Iwakami, E-Mail k-kokusai5@kkc.or.jp, Fax: +81-(0)3-6741-0032.
Further Information can be obtained from: Keizai Koho Center, Mr. Arita, Ms. Yamamoto, Ms Iwakami, Tel: +81-(0)3-6741-0031
Cooperation with: Japan Institute of Social and Economic Affairs, Tōkyō; Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Tōkyō office; German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tōkyō