Bridge walker: MIYAZAWA Kōichi - Bridgebuilder and -walker of jurisprudence

Our colleague Dr. Phoebe Stella HOLDGRÜN asked Dr. Jan GROTHEER - a long-time cooperation partner of the JDZB - to write a contribution for this section.


On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of Japanese-German diplomatic relation, we or our friends and partners, on the initiative of SEKIKAWA Fujiko (Head of Language Services at JDZB), present in this column people from both countries who have filled or are still filling the partnership relations between our two countries with life. In a joint publication by the Japanese-German Society Tōkyō and the JDZB, "Bridge Builders - Pioneers of Japanese-German Cultural Exchange" (2005, IUDICIUM Verlag), many people who have actively shaped German-Japanese relations have already been honored. This is where this column picks up. In addition to famous personalities, also those who are less in the media-spotlight will be introduced. Stay curious!

Unfortunately, this article is not translated into English. Please refer to the Japanese or German language version.

Dr. Jan Grotheer


About the author

Präsident des Hamburger Finanzgerichts (Oktober 1997 - November 2010).
Gründungsmitglied und Spiritus Rector der im Jahre 1988 gegründeten Deutsch-Japanischen Juristenvereinigung e. V. (DJJV) und von 1995 bis November 2019 deren Präsident, heute Ehrenpräsident.
2013 wurde ihm für seine Verdienste um die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen japanischen und deutschen Juristen und Juristinnen der Orden der Aufgehenden Sonne am Band verliehen.
2016 wurde GROTHEER das Bundesverdienstkreuz Erster Klasse verliehen.