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Symposium: Crisis Communication

Japanese and German Perspectives


2021-02-04 , 09:00 - 11:00


JDZB (Zoom)

In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges and pitfalls of communication in times of crisis, as well as their effects, are clearly revealed. Communication between policy makers at different levels, academia, media, and the general public creates a field of tension that can bring a lack of understanding and non-compliance with rules, and in extreme cases, even incitement to conspiracy theories and revolt.

The aim of this German-Japanese exchange of thoughts is to take an analytical look at factors of successful or unsuccessful communication for coping with crises and their consequences, and to scrutinize, for example, the role of the various actors and the institutional framework.
While the COVID-19 pandemic as a current global crisis is dominating discussions everywhere, this event also offers the opportunity to look beyond this, for example at the spread of the H1N1 virus or also at the multitude of experiences Japan has had in communicating during natural disasters, especially earthquakes.

The occasion for this event, in addition to the current COVID-19 pandemic, is the commemoration of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, ten years ago.
The virtual symposium will be held in German and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation.
For more details, please refer to the program at the bottom of this webpage.
A video recording of the event will also be available on the JDZB video channel on YouTube at a later date.

For your virtual participation on Zoom, please register by emailing the following information to Ms. Sabrina Wägerle at by 28 January 2021:
Title, First Name, Last Name; Position; Institution; E-Mail Address

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2021-02-04 09:00 - 11:00


JDZB (Zoom)


Cooperation with: The Japan Foundation (Tōkyō)
