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A sunlit atrium with large exhibition spaces and a view of the Japanese courtyard.

Networking Lounge

Networking Lounge

The JDZB Networking Lounge, with its 163 m² and a coffee corner, offers plenty of space for informal exchange.

Info Lounge

Info Lounge

This room, accessible to all guests, offers a wide range of learning materials. 

My Takeaways from the 15th German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum ― Heading Towards the Future

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"The German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum" (YLF), organized by the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), invites promising young professionals from fields such as business, politics, administration, media, and science and provides German and Japanese participants with the opportunity to deepen mutual understanding and to build networks through discussions and working together on various topics. Ms.Saki Sakuma (staff member of the Japan Business Federation, Keidanren), who participated in the YLF in Berlin in autumn 2023, shares her unforgettable and inspiring experience of the ten days.