On the first Monday of every month, JDZB offers extended opening hours until about 9 p.m. We invite everyone interested in Japan and Germany to meet informally, visit our exhibition and library and get to know us and our activities.

No registration necessary!

Next date: July 1st

Bridge walker: MIYAZAWA Kōichi - Bridgebuilder and -walker of jurisprudence

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Our colleague Dr. Phoebe Stella HOLDGRÜN asked Dr. Jan GROTHEER - a long-time cooperation partner of the JDZB - to write a contribution for this section.

„Artificial Intelligence and the Human“ - Interviews with Dr. NAGAI & Dr. BÄCHLE

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The JDZB is planning a conference on “Artificial Intelligence and the Human – Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction” from May 11 to 13, 2022 in collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and Waseda University. Below is an interview with Dr. Thomas Christian BAECHLE, Head of the Research Program “The Evolution of Digital Society” at HIIG, and Dr. NAGAI Yukie, Project Professor at the International Research Center for Neurointelligence at the University of Tōkyō.

JDZB Agenda 2022

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We have a lot planned this year. In this article, JDZB Secretary General Dr. Julia MUENCH presents current topics, formats and activities of the JDZB.