Vale KIMURA Keizō

Vale KIMURA Keizō

3rd May 2021

We regret to report the passing of the former president of the JDZB (from 1996 to 2003), KIMURA Keizō. A dedicated friend of Germany who died on 27 April 2021, at the age of 91.

"Brückengängerinnen und Brückengänger" (bridge walkers – people who fulfill (or fulfilled) the Japanese-German friendship with life) – TANAKA Michiko

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Teaserbild des Blog-Beitrags
In the first article of the new blog section "bridge walkers" JDZB staff member and section initiator SEKIKAWA Fujiko recalls how she first met her famous aunt Deko.

Spring Awakening at the JDZB

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At the JDZB we can enjoy the seasons at work.

160 Years of German-Japanese Relations, 35 Years of JDZB

Blog Article Publish Date
The world is changing rapidly. This affects German-Japanese relations in general as well as the JDZB. In order to meet new opportunities and challenges appropriately, we are breaking new ground and invite everyone to join us.

Website relaunch and a new blog ECHO+.

Blog Article Publish Date
Teaserbild des Blog-Beitrags
In our first blog post the freshly published website and the new blog ECHO+ are introduced.

Student Exchange

JDZB-ScienceYouth Program

For further information please refer to the German or Japanese Pages.


German-Japanese Youth Leaders Exchange

For further information please refer to the German or Japanese Pages.