jdzb echo 138

jdzb echo 138



1 - 2 Japan and Germany - Clemens von Goetze
2 - 3 Interview: Artificial Intelligence
4 - 5 33 Years "jdzb echo" - Michael Niemann
6 JDZB next level - J. Münch & P. Holdgrün
7 Preview of Events 2022
8 Events in Winter 2021/22




Bridge walker: ŌWADA Noriaki ―― Protective power for Germany: diplomacy based on mutual trust

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This is a slighty different bridge walker article: Dr. SHINYO Takahiro, former Japanese Ambassador to Germany, has himself done a lot for German-Japanese relations. He sent us a very interesting article, which proves his profound knowledge of foreign policy.

#NextLevel @JDZB: Looking back to 2021

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For the Japanese-German Center Berlin, 2021 represented a transformational year in which significant groundwork was laid for its strategic realignment. We – JDZB team – look back with gratitude and look forward to 2022 with excitement but confidence.

Bridge walker: HIGASHIYAMA Kaii – The painter HIGASHIYAMA and Germany

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The JDZB owns a treasure: an original work by the great painter HIGASHIYAMA Kaii, which he donated to the JDZB on the occasion of its foundation. In this article, the President of the Japanese-German Center Berlin, Ambassador (ret.) NAKANE Takeshi, introduces the great master.