Symposium "Future Communication Technologies" Round up

22. Februar 2022

Many Sci-Fi visions of the 1970s are nowadays reality. The first IPhone was introduced in 2007 with 2G and it revolutionized our ways of communication. Film streaming and video telephony are part of our daily lives. As we move to 5G/6G and beyond we see equally fundamental developments on the horizon.
Future technologies could for example lead to merging the reality as we know it with the virtual realm, an ubiquitous body system, which shares all our five senses or communication for new infrastructure, like warehouses in the stratosphere or flying commuter vehicles like sky buses or taxis.
These are only some of the visions, which were brought up by the speakers at the symposium "Future Communication Technologies: Beyond 5G and 6G ¬–
Opportunities for Japanese-German Collaboration" held by JDZB in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in Germany on February 17. The symposium focused on how the technological collaboration between Japan and Germany, which stretches back already over more than 100 years, can accelerate the process and realize the 6G world until 2030. As our two countries share same values, such as strengthening democracy and multilateralism, and face similar challenges, such as dealing with an aging population, a close collaboration in the field of future communication technologies is very promising in finding innovative solutions for joint objectives.
Next to a tone setting keynote lecture held by Dr. Hideyuki Tokuda, President of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Tokyo, a panel discussion brought together perspectives from academia, industry and government, represented by leading experts, to seek common ground. The experts concluded that Japan and Germany are on the same path by aiming at creating a human-centered, sustainable, and inclusive technology that serves societal needs along the line of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. There was a strong common understanding that not one country alone could achieve a post-5G-world until 2030, but Japanese-German cooperation could help to create strong, sustainable, trustful and resilient societies.
Don't miss our upcoming events about "Femtech" and "The Future of Democracy"
