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Kadowaki_House @ Ken-ichi_Morisaki

Lecture: The Japan Pavilion at Biennale di Venezia (2021)

RADIKAL MODERN_04: Co-Ownership of Action. The Japan Pavilion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia (2021)


19.11.2020 - 17:00


Virtuelles JDZB auf Zoom

This virtual lecture and dialog event on Japanese architecture, hosted and organized by the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) in cooperation with Bund Deutscher Architekten – Berlin Section (BDA), TU Dortmund and TU Berlin, will take place on Thursday, 19 November 2020, at 5 pm (CET).

This event is a new edition of the dialogue series Radikal Modern_, initiated and conceptualized by Prof. Heike HANADA (TU Dortmund) with Prof. Dr. Jörg GLEITER (TU Berlin), who will also moderate the event.
Invited are curator Prof. Dr. KADOWAKI Kozo and architects NAGASAKA Jo and IWASE Ryoko of the Japan Pavilion Exhibition at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia (2021), who will present their concept of "Co-Ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements".

Spectacular was the idea of dismantling an ordinary residential building in Tōkyō into its individual parts, transporting it to Venice and rebuilding it with archaeological meticulousness. In doing so, the curators took up an old idea of the 19th century World Expositions, but instead of reconstructing a temple or a classic Japanese house, they used the history of a typical residential building to trace the development of Japan after 1945. In a kind of vivisection, the additions and renovations not only reveal the drama of life, but also the transformations and distortions of modern Japanese society.

For your virtual participation via Zoom please register by returning the requested information by E-Mail to Mr. Jörg Reinowski at jreinowski@jdzb.de by 11 November 2020:
Name, Position, Institution, E-Mail

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In case you do not wish to participate actively in this conference, we kindly ask you to watch via the provided livestream on the JDZB YouTube Channel.


19.11.2020 17:00


Virtuelles JDZB auf Zoom


Veranstaltung auf JDZB YouTube-Kanal

Kooperation mit:  Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA, Landesverband Berlin; TU Berlin; TU Dortmund

Foto: Kadowaki_House © Ken-ichi_Morisaki