Symposium: How to Advance Digitization to Achieve Society 5.0
“Society 5.0”, meaning the realization of an ultra-smart society, is becoming Japan’s central growth strategy. This strategy is central to overcome the deflation, and to revitalize economy, which ensures an affluent and vital economy and society.
In Germany, for the advancement of productivity and strengthening of competitiveness, public and private sectors are recommending the strategical state project “Industry 4.0”, which promotes the digitalization of production industries.
Business leaders have to transform the culture and structure of their companies to adapt to and take advantage of the new opportunities that the digital transformation is bringing about. Governments also have to adapt. New policies in education, research and development and infrastructure need to be implemented to put companies in a position to succeed. The data economy also requires new regulatory approaches
On this topic, the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), in cooperation with the Keizai Koho Center, will be holding this symposium at Keidanren Kaikan (Diamond Hall, 2 pm-5 pm), inviting experts of both countries from the business sector, the government and universities. We will debate approaches of realizing “Society 5.0” in the business sector, as well as tasks and efforts of the government by introducing the state of the art of digitalization advancement of both countries.
Languages of the symposium are English and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation.
Keidanren Kaikan, 4F, Diamond Room, Tokyo
Kooperation mit: Japan Institute of Social and Economic Affairs (KKC), Tōkyō; Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Berlin